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Sponsored products online It has 2 types of product in it. Sponsor products help you in sponsoring any brands of your choice. You can customize the style,length,color,handle type of these bags as well. Types of sponsored products It contains products like carry bags and newspaper bags.These are the products for now, more products are coming up . Options to choose from Sponsored products have two types of products to choose from which include carry bags and newspaper bags. The products are best for sponsoring as being provided at a cheap price. They are very helpful and do their job the best. Quantity and price Depending upon your need you can buy the products at the amount that you want, the price will differ accordingly. The products here are available at the best price. Wholesale or bulk orders You can also buy these products in bulk or wholesale. minimum amount of products being 100 while maximum being 2000 pieces . Buying the products in bulk will save your time and energy . The condition of the product won't change even if they are bought in bulk. Types of sponsored products in Greenhandle Greenhandle is the right place to look for products which can be used for sporsporing. WE understand the importance of p[rouducts which can help you in increasing your business image hence we have the right product for your use. Wholesalers and Manufacturers on Greenhandle Here at Greenhandle you can find the best suppliers i.e wholesalers and manufacturers to choose your products from. They have been cross verified in regards to their product transportation , delivery time etc. They will deliver the product right at your doorstep so that you don’t have to go anywhere else.